32 Things HR Professionals Shouldn't Do in 2023
If you are drowning in HR tasks and wondering why your work doesn't contribute a direct impact to the business,
Then this checklist is perfect for you!
*printable and fill-able checklist
What Will You Get From This Checklist?
Your time should be invested to execute human capital strategies to boost core business growth.
Identify tasks you should avoid (obviously!)
Administrative tasks are so yesterday
Method to allow your HR team to be a Strategic Partner
Today, human resources is recognized as a very strategic part of business
Thinking 3 Steps Ahead
How to start thinking three steps ahead, you’ll soon be aligning HR with your business’s bigger strategy
The Sections
Things you shouldnt do in several function:
Who This Book Is For
This Checklist is made for Human Resource practitioners, specifically to:
✔ Business Owners dan CEO
Make HR team a partner in developing the business; increase company revenue. Not only for completing administrative and operational work
✔ HR Managers
Identify HR team day-today-tasks and develop strategies to move up to the next level and become a business partner that has a clear impact on the company
✔ HR Team
Guidelines to leave HR Administrative tasks and start performing HR tasks that are more strategic in nature.
Book Reviews
See what our readers are saying.
"Checklist ini membantu saya untuk mengalihkan waktu tim HR ke hal yg lebih penting, seperti strategi talent retention"
Ratna Dewi
"Compact dan lengkap. Sangat berperan dalam mengambil keputusan memilih layanan hr outsourcing"
Alex Hermawan
"HR Internal tidak lagi menghabiskan waktu mengejakan tugas administratif. Pekerjaan harian berulang diserahkan pada pihak ketiga"
Adit Wijaya
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